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Pima softball's Marina Price & Nevaeah Bracamonte sweep ACCAC Player and Pitcher of the Week awards
The Pima Community College softball team picked up wins in three out of the four games played last week at the El Paso CC Invitational, and two of its players were recognized by the ACCAC conference for the week of Feb. 4-10.

Kozachik: 'Shared governance' resisted as UA's Robbins reacts to financial mess
Unless simply eliminating the ruse of shared governance is the goal, changes to state statute are not needed in order to allow UA President Robbins to do what Crowe at ASU has been successful at for years.

Pima County Constable Oscar Vasquez faces removal from office
Updated: Pima County Constable Oscar Vasquez, who has a troubled history as an elected official, is facing more disciplinary action. He could be removed from his position because he reportedly isn't fulfilling his duties.

Ex-college student sentenced to 21 mos. for straw-buying guns, including .50-caliber sniper rifle
A 23-year-old man was sentenced to 21 months in prison last week for his role in a scheme to buy 15 firearms, including a .50-caliber sniper rifle, and smuggle them into Mexico in 2020.

New York judge orders Trump to pay more than $350 million in civil fraud suit
A New York judge on Friday ordered former President Donald Trump to pay more than $350 million in disgorgement after finding Trump had fraudulently inflated his net worth on yearly financial documents, stiffing banks and insurers out of millions.

Survey shows Americans overwhelmingly agree government mishandling border crisis
The U.S. government’s handling of the ever-growing influx of migrants crossing the southern border may be the biggest issue of the 2024 general election, and and although Americans differ on how the issue should be solved, nearly all agree that more has to be done.

More tax cuts put states’ revenue at risk
After three years of state tax cuts that disproportionately benefit the wealthy, some states are poised to enact even more, and advocates warn essential services will be harmed.

Az House committee supports terrorist designation for Mexican drug cartels
Arizona Representative Steve Montenegro garnered bipartisan support for two pieces of legislation addressing issues at the U.S.-Mexico border, including a resolution declaring cartels terrorist groups and a request that Governor Katie Hobbs, deploy the National Guard to the border.

State universities admit more out-of-state students for tuition bump
At a time when school budgets are tightening and college enrollment is decreasing, state universities - including the University of Arizona - are increasingly turning to nonresident students to boost their revenues.

Az Republicans want to roll back clock 30 years & end no-excuse early voting
House Republicans want to return Arizona to a “pre-1991” voting system in which the vast majority of voters must cast their ballot in person on Election Day - though the move to no-excuses early voting was ushered into existence in 1991 by state Republicans.

Republicans want to roll back clock 30 years & end no-excuse early voting
House Republicans want to return Arizona to a “pre-1991” voting system in which the vast majority of voters must cast their ballot in person on Election Day - though the move to no-excuses early voting was ushered into existence in 1991 by state Republicans.

Tribal schools to get 24/7 behavioral health & wellness support with crisis support line
To increase access to behavioral health and wellness support for students and staff at tribal schools nationwide, the Bureau of Indian Education launched a 24/7 support line for schools and programs funded by the bureau.

January sees sharp drop in border numbers after record-setting December
Border encounters plunged from record highs of more than 300,000 in December to 176,205 in January, a 42% drop that Customs and Border Protection attributed to enforcement efforts and a traditional seasonal drop.

How does Arizona vote for presidential nominees? Your questions answered.
Arizona voters will begin voting Feb. 21 for their choice of presidential nominee for the November ballot, with the election to be held March 19. This is separate from the state’s primary election for all other federal, state and local candidates, which will happen on July 30.

Tuesday deadline to register to vote in Arizona presidential 'primary' election
Voters must register with the Republican or Democratic parties by midnight on Feb. 20 if they want to cast a ballot in Arizona's presidential preference election.

Martes, fecha límite para registrarse para las elecciones 'primarias' presidenciales de Arizona
Los votantes deben registrarse en los partidos Republicano o Demócrata antes del 20 de febrero a medianoche si desean emitir su voto en la elección de preferencia presidencial de Arizona.

Pima County Constable Oscar Vasquez faces removal from office
Pima County Constable Oscar Vasquez, who has a troubled history as an elected official, is facing more disciplinary action. He could be removed from his position because he reportedly isn't fulfilling his duties.

Republican resolution shows intent to bypass Az voters in 2024 presidential election
Tucson Rep. Rachel Jones is the sponsor of a House resolution that would completely invalidate the votes of Arizonans in the upcoming presidential election as a bargaining tool to force Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs to agree to a Republican wishlist of election reforms.

Republican resolution shows intent to bypass voters in the 2024 presidential election
Tucson Rep. Rachel Jones is the sponsor of a House resolution that would completely invalidate the votes of Arizonans in the upcoming presidential election as a bargaining tool to force Democrat Gov. Katie Hobbs to agree to a Republican wishlist of election reforms.

Arizona Republicans want to ban guaranteed basic income programs
A Republican-led measure that would prohibit municipalities in Arizona from from adopting “any ordinance, order or rule that has the purpose or effect of making payments to persons as part of a guaranteed income program” cleared its first hurdle toward becoming law.

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