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More states consider voter ID laws amid conflicting research on their impact
Three dozen states require voters to present valid identification before casting a ballot - and that list may grow - as the push for voter ID requirements continues nationwide despite conflicting studies over their effects.

No qualified immunity for Arizona officer who killed a man in 2018
A Ninth Circuit panel denied qualified immunity Monday to a Mesa, Arizona, police officer who shot and killed a man during a 2018 traffic stop gone awry.

Supreme Court gives Trump − and future presidents − special exception to delay prosecution
The conservative-dominated Supreme Court declared that a former president has “some immunity for criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office,” a ruling that may produce fundamental shifts in the nation’s system of checks and balances.

Health care feeling shockwaves from Supreme Court decision limiting federal power
A landmark Supreme Court decision that reins in federal agencies’ authority is expected to hold dramatic consequences for the nation’s health care system, calling into question government rules on anything from consumer protections for patients to drug safety to nursing home care.

Supreme Court gives Trump − and future presidents − a special exception that will delay his prosecution
The conservative-dominated Supreme Court declared that a former president has “some immunity for criminal prosecution for official acts during his tenure in office,” a ruling that may produce fundamental shifts in the nation’s system of checks and balances.

Judge partially ends historic Flores agreement that protects migrant children
A federal judge agreed to partially terminate the 1997 Flores agreement that shields underage migrants apprehended at the U.S. border from incarceration and sets strict standards for their housing, after HHS published its own safeguards.

U.S. Supreme Court flips precedent that empowered federal agencies
The U.S. Supreme Court struck down a precedent Friday that had for decades limited judicial power to strike executive branch regulations, in a decision immediately criticized for potentially undermining decisions by scientists and agency experts.

More than 2,000 guns recovered in Mexico & Central America linked to Pima County firearms dealers
At least 2,259 firearms recovered in Mexico and Central America were traced to gun stores in Pima County, according to records from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms compiled and released by Stop US Arms to Mexico, a group that seeks to prevent gun trafficking.

Bradford: Jette has the character to be an outstanding Pima County attorney
"I am a paralegal who worked with Mike Jette. I know first hand that he has the character, leadership skills, and prosecution experience to be an outstanding Pima County attorney." — Allison Bradford

Monday deadline to register to vote in Az primary election
Anyone wishing to cast a ballot in the July 30 primary election must register to vote by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, July 1.

More than 2,000 guns recovered in Mexico & Central America linked to Pima County gun dealers
At least 2,259 firearms recovered in Mexico and Central America were traced to gun stores in Pima County, according to records from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms compiled and released by Stop US Arms to Mexico, a group that seeks to prevent gun trafficking.

Southwest Az legislative candidates split on immigration issues
Three Democratic candidates running for the Arizona House of Representatives in a Southwestern Arizona district mostly agreed during a recent debate, but split over issues related to immigration.

Incumbent state senator faces primary challenge in Southwest Az district
State Sen. Brian Fernandez met his Democratic primary opponent, Jesus Lugo Jr., in a Clean Elections debate that didn’t see the candidates differ very much on policy issues related to education, water, housing and immigration.

Pima Supes to review jobs, pay of constables; Nonprofits to get funding
The Board of Supervisors will review a general outline of what the job of constable is, how it ought to be performed and solidifying the pay. It's been a rough few years for the constables, for reasons good, bad and tragic. Plus more in local government meetings.

PACC aims to free up shelter space before July 4
Pima Animal Care is looking for two-week fosters during July 4 holiday to prepare for the large number of stray dogs they expect.

PACC aims to free up shelter space before July 4
Pima Animal Care is looking for two-week fosters during July 4 holiday to prepare for the large number of stray dogs they expect.

Supreme Court decision leaves more than half of water flowing in U.S. rivers vulnerable
Last year, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the 1972 Clean Water Act should only apply to waters that are navigable year-round, and not to ephemeral streams - and now, more than half of the water flowing in and out of rivers in the U.S. is no longer under the protection of federal law.

Arizona's parole paradox
Arizona abolished parole in 1993, but judges and prosecutors kept promising it in murder sentences for more than 20 years. State officials are still trying to re-forget about it.

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