
Rate of young women getting sterilized doubled after ‘Roe’ overturned
After Roe was overturned in June 2022, doctors said a wave of young people started asking for permanent birth control like tubal ligations or vasectomies, and researchers found sharp increases in both male and female sterilization, though women are getting sterilized much more often.

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Just another tragedy... get abortions please, I don't care what the law says. Who's going to take care of you in your old age, if you get sterilized young? No one, that's who.

@cy @TucsonSentinel 1. Ask anyone who works in an elder home how many residents they see who have full-on families who sit day after day with no visitors.
2. Not everyone can take days off work and/or travel to where abortions are legal. And those places are shrinking by the day.

1. Ask any elder without children, most are dead because they have no children to pay for it, but of the few lucky enough to afford a home, you'll find 100% sit day after day with no visitors.

2. Yes I mean fuck the law. The law is bad, those places shouldn't be shrinking, and this is literally pressuring people to get sterilized. Anti-abortion is straight out eugenics. I can't help reality, but this is a thing that should not be.


@cy @TucsonSentinel Of course it's wrong on so many levels. Saying "fuck the law" doesn't magically make abortion accessible. I totally agree this is a thing that should not be.

@cy @TucsonSentinel Having children with the intent they'll be your caretakers is an asshole move and another aspect of the backwards ideas about reproduction that those who would deny reproductive freedom harbor.

Who else is going to be your caretaker? The neighbor's kids? Not taking care of your parents when they need it is also an asshole move.


@cy @TucsonSentinel Not taking care of someone who needs it is an asshole move regardless of whether you share their genetic material. This is why you build working societies and social safety net infrastructure not family clans.

If you can build that, by all means do, but the reality is the only working society, or infrastructure that would compel anyone to take care of anyone else is money, and we're not all lucky enough to be able to buy our way into luxury. Are you also going to say that children are assholes for expecting their parents to take care of them? There's nothing wrong with those expectations, it's a tragedy when they aren't met, and it is a tragedy when no children, or parents exist to meet them.


@TucsonSentinel Another unintended consequence brought to you by the Party of Life© 🙄

@TucsonSentinel I am glad they can access these procedures. Tubal ligations are so hard to get in Ireland, even following the legalisation of abortions. Plus if you're under 40 and healthy they're unlikely to permit one. But at least in the last decade or so most doctors now don't require your husband or partners PERMISSION before approving it

Next up on the MAGAt agenda: outlawing voluntary sterilization for family planning reasons (like good Nazis, they'll preserve it as a method for controlling the birth of undesirables).

@TucsonSentinel It’s one big factor in why I’m getting a hysterectomy later this year.

@TucsonSentinel That shows what happens when you paint people in a corner. I wonder how long it will last.

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