
Arizona House to vote on Ten Commandments in the classroom
Republican state Senator Anthony Kern said the Ten Commandments shaped the country's heritage, as the Arizona’s House Education Committee advanced a bill that would allow public school teachers and administrators to post and discuss the Ten Commandments in the classroom.

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Which version will they use?

And will they be removing graven images from all the classrooms as well?

@MylesRyden @TucsonSentinel The photo shows the Catholic/Lutheran version. Can't see the evangelicals putting up with that. They will demand that "Thou shalt not kill" is the 6th, not the 5th.

@not2b @TucsonSentinel

Of course the real problem is that it is OK as far as it goes, but overall, really doesn't make that good of moral code to live by.

"Thou shalt not own other human beings."


"You can't serve both God and money."

To begin with seem to be missing...

These hucksters don't even follow the ten commandments. Its always them being super judgemental of everyone else but themselves.

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