
The world according to Sinema: It's the voters who got small
Channeling her inner Nora Desmond, Sen. Kyrsten Sinema read the electorate wrong and now says it's the people's fault that she's unpopular.

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Funny how that whole “campaign as a progressive then turn into a corporate shill” thing rubs people the wrong way.


What Sinema did
1. Voted against a $15 minimum wage
2. Took bribes...ahem, big pharma money
3. Never had a town hall with her constituents
4. Colluded with the GOP to thwart the Biden agenda on climate
5. Kept a racist holdover; the filibuster
6. She used her office for self-enrichment
7. Thwarted the Voting Rights Act
8. She supported policies that enriched the rich

@Npars01 @TucsonSentinel Well said. It's never about the country, always about their own agenda and enrichment. Religion, segregation, disfunction.

@TucsonSentinel "Am I so out of touch? No. It's the children who are wrong."

@TucsonSentinel ... I thought she wasn't running on the Dem ticket anymore ? It was the voters' fault they lost in 2016, you know 😒

@TucsonSentinel I met her many years ago. She was an opportunistic sellout then, and she's an opportunistic sellout now. She has only ever been in it for herself.


Sinema, you did fuckall for your constituents, and sold out to K Street for 5+ years.

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