
Christian lawmakers push battle over church & state after Roe
Representing more than half the states in the nation, a collection of legislators and local government officials called the National Association of Christian Lawmakers push to change the social fabric of the country and return America to what they say are its Judeo-Christian origins.

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These holy rollers want to tell you, me and everyone else *exactly* how we should live our lives under their thumbs.

I reject them, their bastardized religion and their fascism. GFY holy rollers.


Someone should ask them: when, and where, was that - precisely? Not just "The Past" and wave their hands... Name the date and place.

@TucsonSentinel The #Christianist factions don't believe in the 1st Amendment and fail to understand that the separation of Church and State was foundational because the Founders saw what a disaster State sponsored religion was in Europe at the time. Keep religion out of government. #VoteBlue

@WizardBear @TucsonSentinel Nothing just Christian about pro-life.
30 million aborted women had zero choice, due process, inalienable right to live life? Hippocrates, father of modern medicine, prohibited physicians from aborting or euthanizing at any point in human life cycle. What is being aborted? A human life. To think otherwise willful blindness. Involuntary Euthanasia is murder. Aborting a human life w/o #DUE_PROCESS is involuntary euthanasia

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