
Biden’s immigration order won’t fix problems quickly – 4 things to know about what’s changing
President Biden’s new executive order restricting migrants’ ability to apply for asylum is likely to further elevate immigration as a top issue in the upcoming presidential election, and an immigration lawyer explains how this executive order will take effect and influence immigration trends.

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You wrote, "effectively, this is a ban on asylum." But that's a lie.

Biden's executive order blocks most new asylum applications from migrants who cross the border between ports of entry. It does not restrict applications filed at ports of entry, or those filed prior to arrival using new processes established by the Biden Administration.

Why are you telling flat-out lies attacking President Biden?

#Tucson #Arizona #immigration #journalism

@barney @TucsonSentinel Also the article leaves out any context as to why he's doing an executive order rather than going through congress... maybe important for the media to mention that an entire party is acting in bad faith rather than just saying this will "elevate the subject"


In a word, this article from @TucsonSentinel is disgusting.

After their anti-Biden lie, they express their opinion that "Biden is taking a page out of Donald Trump’s book."

Here's Donald Trump's book: He promises to send national guardsmen from red states to invade blue states, round up over 10 million innocent Hispanic people, and ship them to concentration camps in Texas.
@TucsonSentinel is helping him do that.

#Immigration #Journalism #USPol

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