
Republican bill would let Az ranchers shoot & kill border-crossers on their property
Arizona Republicans want to make changes to the state’s existing “Castle Doctrine” law that would let ranchers in southern Arizona legally shoot and kill undocumented immigrants who cross their land.

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@TucsonSentinel I don't know what's more disturbing, the fact that republicans proposed this legislation or that their constituents continually vote them back into office.

@TucsonSentinel Will ranchers demand to see their papers first, then execute them? Will they simply shoot on sight and ask questions later? Will kids be permissible targets too?
This is wild west stuff at its worst. I don't think this bill can pass but I've been very wrong before.

@TucsonSentinel i love more protection for murdering hispanic folk, yayyyy!!!!!! :blobcatnotlike:

@TucsonSentinel Anything in the bill about shooting a person and making sure they're dead or is it okay to just let them bleed out where they lay? What happens if they manage to crawl to a house? Can they be killed then? Refused medical treatment?


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