Newsrooms should not spin up instances for their reporters partially because this is too new to dedicate strapped staff to, partially because layoffs mean reporters would lose their timelines bc you can't migrate posts, partially because newsrooms are *already* not great at social media policies, and mostly because the problem it ostensibly solves, verification, can be done by just sticking rel=me into author pages and letting reporters self-verify super easily wherever they set up shop here.

@dansinker Yes to all but... news organizations should see an ethical obligation to share the load in a federated universe. They benefit from social media; they should pay back.

@jeffjarvis there are a lot of ethical obligations newsrooms *should* see but don't, I'd put the fediverse pretty low down on that list tbh.

@dansinker @jeffjarvis What Dan said. Plus, what do you see as the benefits that news orgs are gaining from the fediverse ATM that would justify the investment?

@ianhillmedia @dansinker Sigh. In a federated universe, people share the load. I am using money from my center at CUNY to support the out-of-pocket costs of @adamdavidson starting because the fediverse is run by such volunteers. We in news media will benefit from this federated ecosystem--no longer subject to the whims of insane moguls--and should pay back. Everything isn't about us and our pathetic bottom lines.

@jeffjarvis @ianhillmedia @dansinker @adamdavidson

it might be hard to rationalize at this point, but if your organization has a website, it will want to have a fediverse server. if you'd be fine with a page on Facebook (remember AOL keywords?), maybe not. it's the same level of independence.

@wjmaggos @jeffjarvis @ianhillmedia @dansinker @adamdavidson I've been thinking the same thing but my mind goes to email as an analogy. The availability of a self hosted solution is going to make using a public one seem "low rent" and unprofessional

@DSmith_Tucson @killfile @wjmaggos @jeffjarvis @ianhillmedia @dansinker @adamdavidson Certainly, it is unprofessional to free ride for your work, but there is another question: should you have your account on some public server (,, or something else) or should there be and all employees should be there?

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