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New help for dealing with aggression in people with dementia
A first-of-its-kind website offers free training in a comprehensive approach to managing neuropsychiatric symptoms of dementia — a method known as DICE — to “give people tools to better manage often-distressing situations.”

Low-wage states with cheap housing dominated post-pandemic jobs boom
In the years during and since the COVID-19 pandemic, employers have been less willing to create jobs in higher-wage states, and workers are avoiding skyrocketing housing costs and taking advantage of new options for remote work.

Trump’s criminal trial comes to close as prosecutors recap ‘damning’ evidence
The end of Donald Trump’s divisive New York hush-money trial has been more fizzle than flash as Tuesday marked the last day of trial before the former president’s criminal case is handed over to the jury.

‘Secure Border Act’ will cost Az millions to enforce. And that might make it unconstitutional.
Arizona Republicans want to give local police permission to arrest migrants, but there’s no plan to cover the costs that law enforcement officials and even GOP backers of the proposal say it will incur — and failing to account for that price tag might make the proposal unconstitutional.

Honduran woman sentenced to 10 years for role as 'high-level' human smuggling coordinator
A Honduran woman charged with operating as a "high-level" coordinator was sentenced to 10 years in prison for smuggling over 100 migrants from Honduras to the U.S., making millions in the process, federal officials said Tuesday.

Feds settle Arizona lawsuit over Trump-era family separations at border
The federal government will pay $315,000 to a migrant father and his son who were separated during the Trump administration's disastrous family separations policy, ending one of at least three lawsuits over the policy in Arizona.

Justice Gorsuch offers rebuke as Supreme Court turns away review of 6-member juries
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would give the court an opportunity to revoke the use of six-member jury panels - with the dissent of Justice Neil Gorsuch - similar to an Arizona appeal the court declined to hear in 2022

Attempting to avoid LGBTQ+ issues, Az school districts are denying basic sexual health education
Tens of thousands of youth attending Arizona’s public schools are not receiving recommended sexual education studies, specifically in regards to gender, sexuality, and consent, and educators have used the heated politics around LGBTQ+ issues to deny students the curriculum.

Justice Gorsuch offers rebuke as Supreme Court turns away review of six-member juries
The U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case that would give the court an opportunity to revoke the use of six-member jury panels - with the dissent of Justice Neil Gorsuch - similar to an Arizona appeal the court declined to hear in 2022

Who is displaced by disasters tells a story of vulnerability & recovery in America
The Census Bureau estimates that nearly 2.5 million Americans had to leave their homes because of disasters in 2023, whether for a short period or much longer - but a closer look at demographics reveals much more about disaster risk in America and who is vulnerable.

Who is displaced by disasters tells a story of vulnerability & recovery in America
The Census Bureau estimates that nearly 2.5 million Americans had to leave their homes because of disasters in 2023, whether for a short period or much longer - but a closer look at demographics reveals much more about disaster risk in America and who is vulnerable.

FDA urged to relax decades-old tissue donation restrictions for gay & bisexual men
The federal government changed who it said could donate organs and blood, reducing restrictions on gay and bisexual men, and groups want to align guidelines for tissue donations with those that apply to the rest of the human body.

Reclaman revisar viejas restricciones que previenen que hombres gay y bisexuales donen tejidos
El gobierno federal cambió quiénes decía que podían donar órganos y sangre, reduciendo las restricciones para los hombres homosexuales y bisexuales, y los grupos quieren alinear las pautas para la donación de tejidos con las que se aplican al resto del cuerpo humano.

Pima County sheriff candidates go head-to-head in upcoming Dem primary forum
Pima County Sheriff Chris Nanos will face former deputy Sandy Rosenthal, his challenger in the July 30 Democratic primary, in a forum on June 8.

Is your ancestor listed in the new boarding school database?
The Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition has launched the first-ever comprehensive digital database of Indian boarding schools that links information from more than one source, with a list of schools and students that dates back nearly 150 years.

Federal lobbying spending tops $1.2 billion in first quarter of 2024
Federal lobbying spending exceeded $1.2 billion in the first quarter of 2024, an amount which, when adjusted for inflation, represents a 1.3% increase compared to the same period last year - putting the year on track for another nominal record.

Elaine Powers, self-published author, is Pima Library's summer writer-in-residence
Science-loving author Elaine Powers is this summer's writer in residence at the Pima County Public Library. She will be hosting one-on-one sessions and workshops through the end of July.

Federal lobbying spending tops $1.2 billion in first quarter of 2024
Federal lobbying spending exceeded $1.2 billion in the first quarter of 2024, an amount which, when adjusted for inflation, represents a 1.3% increase compared to the same period last year - putting the year on track for another nominal record.

Despite efforts to close gap, parity in mental health care remains elusive
Approximately 1 in every 5 people has a mental health condition, and more than half, received no treatment at all, and pervasive stigma and underinvestment by the government limits the resources necessary to support widespread need.

What’s the difference between Indigenous nations co-managing or co-stewarding their land? A lot.
While many would think “co-stewardship” and “co-management” would be simple terms to define, there are numerous federal documents that have used the terms interchangeably, and Indigenous nations now are seeking a stronger tribal presence and decision-making power.

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