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Colorado River allotment cuts coming to Arizona, Nevada, Mexico
Even though the water level on Lake Powell rose half a foot this year, the Bureau of Reclamation announced that Lake Mead is projected to be in a “shortage condition” in 2025 — meaning Arizona, Nevada, and Mexico will see cuts in how much water they can use from the Colorado River.

Voters will decide if Arizona should have open primary elections, judge rules
The Make Elections Fair Act, that would amend the Arizona Constitution to create an open primary system, gathered enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot, a judge ruled Thursday.

Tucson's Int'l Wildlife Museum up for auction — animals not included
The former site of the International Wildlife Museum is up for auction. The museum, which opened in 1988 displaying taxidermied wild animals, quietly closed its doors last December 31, but interested parties can bid on the building in an online auction beginning September 23.

After permit tussle, Cloud Covered Streets providing mobile showers & laundry to Tucson's homeless
After city officials stalled its launch over concerns about gray water dumping, the Cloud Covered Streets trailer has begun traveling around Tucson, offering showers, laundry and haircuts to people experiencing homelessness.

After tussle over city permits, Cloud Covered Streets opens mobile trailer providing showers & laundry to Tucson's homeless
After city officials stalled its launch over concerns about gray water dumping, the Cloud Covered Streets trailer has begun traveling around Tucson, offering showers, laundry and haircuts to people experiencing homelessness.

Ever dreamed of living in a castle full of taxidermy? Tucson's Int'l Wildlife Museum up for auction — animals not included
The former site of the International Wildlife Museum is up for auction. The museum, which opened in 1988 displaying taxidermied wild animals, quietly closed its doors last December 31, but interested parties can bid on the building in an online auction beginning September 23.

Tight Phoenix-area congressional primary goes to automatic recount in Arizona
Maricopa County will begin a recount Friday in a Democratic congressional primary separated by just a few dozen votes, as former Phoenix Vice Mayor Yassamin Ansari leads activist and former state Senator Raquel Terán by only 42 votes.

New lines of attack form against the Affordable Care Act
The Affordable Care Act is back under attack. Not as in the repeal-and-replace debates of yore, but in a fresher take from Republican lawmakers who say key parts of the ACA cost taxpayers too much and provide incentive for fraud.

Az Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick recuses on challenge to abortion rights ballot measure
Arizona Supreme Court Justice Clint Bolick has recused himself from participating in an appeal aimed to block an abortion rights initiative that would guarantee a woman’s right to an abortion up to the point of fetal viability from being put to voters in November.

Koch network’s flagship super PAC pours big money into 2024 elections
The Koch network’s flagship group, Americans for Prosperity, has spent two decades pouring money into influencing U.S. elections, and as the group celebrates its 20-year anniversary, its hybrid super PAC ranks third in outside spending in the 2024 cycle..

Mark your calendar: VP candidates Walz & Vance to debate Oct. 1
Ohio Republican Sen. J.D. Vance Thursday agreed to an Oct. 1 vice presidential debate against Minnesota Democratic Gov. Tim Walz on CBS News.

Struggle for control of Congress intensifies as presidential contest shifts
The 2024 battle for control of Congress centers on just a handful of Senate races and about two dozen House seats, putting considerable pressure on those candidates to win over voters as party leaders and super PACs funnel millions of dollars into their campaigns.

Donald Trump’s promise to 'drill, baby, drill' probably won’t change much — least of all in Texas
Former President Donald Trump has vowed to “drill, baby, drill” on Day One of his next administration. He wants, as his website says, for the U.S. to be “the dominant energy producer in the world, by far!” But it already is — thanks to Texas.

Experts fear chilling effect as GOP wields LGBTQ issues vs. Biden judge picks
Republicans have grilled several White House judicial nominees over their decision records and opinions on issues related to gender identity, scrutiny which some legal scholars say could hamper future appointment of LGBTQ people to the federal bench.

As millions of acres burn, firefighters say U.S. Forest Service has left them with critical shortages
The U.S. Forest Service — the largest of the federal agencies responsible for fighting wildfires — said that it had reached 101% of its hiring goal for 2024. However, firefighters on the ground say that the agency is understating how badly depleted their ranks are.

‘Unborn human being’ will stay in description of abortion rights initiative sent to Az voters
The words “unborn human being” will be printed in the description of an Arizona abortion rights initiative in a pamphlet sent to all registered voters, the state Supreme Court ordered in a split decision, reversing an earlier ruling from the trial court.

VETS program gives former military members an Arizona outdoor boost
Veteran Engagement and Trail Stewardship aims to give Arizona veterans a safe space where they can return to nature, find community and purpose.

Enviros: Erosion from SunZia powerline construction damaging watershed
Construction from the SunZia transmission line project has created "extensive erosion" and environmental damage because the company has failed to install control measures, according to a letter sent to Southern Arizona lawmakers and federal officials.

Az Supreme Court rejects bid to block ‘Secure Border’ measure from going to the ballot
The Az Supreme Court said a GOP ballot referral that would make it a state crime for migrants to cross the southern border can go before voters in November, rejecting a claim from opponents that the proposal violates a constitutional provision limiting ballot questions to a single subject.

Workers across the U.S. rally after string of heat-related deaths
Service workers rallied at major airports in Charlotte, North Carolina, and Phoenix on Tuesday and called for immediate action from employers to ensure their safety in the workplace, joined by laborers in fast food, retail, and the farm sector this week to demand on-the-job heat protections.

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